Test Yahoo Boots Work or not! To make sure your Boot software that been downloaded from this blog work properly, I suggesting you to Boot your own ID, or Boot your self, Its better if you use PM Boot Options Attack. If you receive Bots coming attack, that mean your Yahoo Boot Program Work Normal and Properly.
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I just knew that Room Destroy has launch a new Version: Room Destroy Version 6.x. I believe that in this Newest Version some of repair and improvement from Room Destroy 59 has been done.

You can boot, and make a lot of thing in Chat Room Yahoo Messenger using this newest Version of Room Destroy. To Download Room Destroy 6 or RD 6 (six) just download thru this link below

Download Room Destroy 6

PS: In Kapersky that RD 6 found a virus. Be ware and use RD 6 wisely or your computer will infected by virus. Make sure scan with good anti virus or just using RD 59 (previous RD befor RD 6 launch).