I just knew that Room Destroy has launch a new Version: Room Destroy Version 6.x. I believe that in this Newest Version some of repair and improvement from Room Destroy 59 has been done.
You can boot, and make a lot of thing in Chat Room Yahoo Messenger using this newest Version of Room Destroy. To Download Room Destroy 6 or RD 6 (six) just download thru this link below
Download Room Destroy 6
PS: In Kapersky that RD 6 found a virus. Be ware and use RD 6 wisely or your computer will infected by virus. Make sure scan with good anti virus or just using RD 59 (previous RD befor RD 6 launch).
You can boot, and make a lot of thing in Chat Room Yahoo Messenger using this newest Version of Room Destroy. To Download Room Destroy 6 or RD 6 (six) just download thru this link below
Download Room Destroy 6
PS: In Kapersky that RD 6 found a virus. Be ware and use RD 6 wisely or your computer will infected by virus. Make sure scan with good anti virus or just using RD 59 (previous RD befor RD 6 launch).